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When Are Your Foot Problems Cause for Concern?

When it comes to medical maladies, foot problems may seem more like a minor nuisance than a big problem -- unless you’re one of the 2 million Americans that experience the stabbing pain of plantar fasciitis or other painful foot issues.

When you consider what we put our feet through during the course of an average day, not to mention over the course of a lifetime, it shouldn’t be all that surprising that seemingly small issues can have a dramatic impact. The 26 bones, 33 joints, 107 ligaments, 19 muscles that comprise each foot are literally put through their paces one step at a time for about 6,000 steps each day.

The sheer amount of pressure we put our feet during the typical day is equivalent to the weight of a fully loaded cement truck. But how do you really know what’s a minor issue and what foot problems are cause for concern? 

Dr. Jarna Rathod -Bhatt and Dr. Rahul Bhatt, our highly skilled podiatrists at Apple Podiatry Group, share these problems that you should definitely address with us. If you have sharp foot pain, a foot sore that won’t heal, or constant foot aches, visit one of our Apple Podiatry Group offices in Arlington or Irving, Texas, and let us take a look. 

Sharp foot pain

As a rule of thumb, pain is a good indicator that something isn’t operating correctly. Typically an injury, sprain, or some type of damage causes stress within the body, which may present as inflammation or swelling that triggers pain and discomfort.

Foot pain is fairly common in the United States, affecting eight out of every 10 Americans. A vast majority of them suffer from heel pain, specifically plantar fasciitis, which causes sharp pain along the band of tissue that stretches from the toes to the heel. 

Another painful condition that typically accompanies plantar fasciitis is heel spurs, which are calcium growths that develop where the plantar fascia connects to the heel bone. Alert us to any foot pain so that we can find out what’s going on and provide treatment. 

A foot sore that won’t heal

If you notice a blister, cut, or scrape on your foot that isn’t healing properly, contact us right away, particularly if you have diabetes. Some of the dangerous complications of diabetes are poor circulation, nerve damage, and the inability to heal quickly. This perfect storm can make a minor foot issue like a corn or blister turn into a much bigger problem like a foot ulcer

Be vigilant and check your feet on a daily basis. Seek routine diabetic foot care with us. If you notice a stubborn sore, don’t wait. Come in right away.

Constant foot discomfort and achiness

You’d be hard pressed to find someone who hasn’t suffered from achy, uncomfortable feet from time to time. Sometimes you’re simply on your feet too long at work, or perhaps you overdo it when checking out a new hiking trail or vacation destination. 

But if achiness becomes the norm, it may be cause for concern. It’s better to find out what’s going on instead of waiting and possibly causing damage to your muscles or tendons.

It may be something as simple as ill-fitting footwear or an issue connected to how you walk, particularly if you have flat feet or high arches. After examining your feet and finding out more about your symptoms, we can prescribe appropriate treatment, which may include custom orthotics

For many patients, custom orthotics enhance comfort by properly aligning your feet, and therefore your spine. Custom orthotics can also help if you’re prone to developing Achilles tendonitis, heel spurs, shin splints, or plantar fasciitis, or even to relieve pressure so that foot ulcers can heal.

If you’re having problems with your feet, come see us so that we can figure out what’s going on and can help you get back to feeling more like yourself again. Make an appointment right now here on the website, or you can call to schedule your visit.

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